New Program Finder Coming Soon!

Sprockets will be launching a new website this fall, and in doing so, will also be launching a NEW SAINT PAUL OST PROGRAM MAP!

Short request here…. More information below. If you have any questions, reach out to

We will be working with parks, libraries, and schools on the map, but if you know other youth serving organizations in Saint Paul, please share with them as well. There are many new programs, neighborhood grass roots initiatives, and faith-based groups that may not connect with Sprockets but do great work in community.  Please feel free to share!


More information

  • Former program finder has been hard to upkeep (even before covid) with varied seasonal offerings, partner staff capacities/turn over, and glitches with the search features.
  • The new site will focus more on finding where organizations are located and brief descriptions, including links to more details and contact information at the organization website. The finder itself will be more static, but lead directly to your sites where you already manage your information (so not to create more work for anyone).
  • Here is an example of the basic functionality of what it will be like. This examples is of YJ1 job sites. Some of the search features will be different, but the general idea will be the same.

One size (or method) doesn’t fit all – Our partners have many different structures. If you aren’t sure the best route for your program, email .  But here are some examples that might provide a couple ways to look at it.

Keystone Community Services – May decide to fill out the form 3 times. Each program is a distinct program at a different location.

  • Community Kids
  • Best Buy Teen Tech Center
  • Teen Tutor Program

Boys and Girl Club – May also decide to fill out the form 3 times. Each site may have the same general description and website link, but the addresses are different.

  • Mt. Airy Boys and Girls Club
  • West Side Boys and Girls Club
  • East Side Boys and Girls Club *If teen programming only, this might be marked high school only

ComMUSICation – does some occasional off-site programming so…

  • May include a sentence about working with partner locations in their general description with their main location address.
  • They may choose to use 1 description around music for broad ages or may submit twice for 2 main program components and submit separately to call out high school only programming.
  • They won’t list the occasional or special teaching artist offerings that are very cool but can be found on their website as they come up.

Urban Roots – As a youth employment program, much (although not all) of their recruitment comes through Right Track or similar efforts. Unlike the YJ1 job sites map where they would list their individual crews, a general description of what Urban Roots does and link to their website is plenty to get youth looking for employment to their website for more information and to have visibility through the map of them as part of the OST ecosystem in Saint Paul.