Youth-Led Mayor Forum ! ! ! ! Resources to Prepare

Youth Led Mayor Forum, Oct 5th

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Youth Voice Matters in a Mayoral Election Video!

Prepare to be Civically Enaged!

Looking for resources to prepare yourself, peers, youth or young adults to engage in this year's mayoral election?  Below are activities and resources we have pulled together to help.  If you have other ideas to share with the network, email so we can include them as well!

Youth Survey- Tell the youth moderators what is important to you - What issues are most important to you?  What questions do you have?

Want to help prepare youth to answer the survey?  Consider one of the activities below to start the conversation.


Here are some activities to get young people thinking about issues, community and an mayoral election process

Stick Figure of Self Interest- What issues are important to you?  Use this activity to help participants dig into their own self interests

Spectrum Activity on Community Issues - Help participants practice sharing and listening to different views and understand where different types of decisions are made.

Who makes decisions handout   Answer Key

10 Ways to Be Politically Active- Can't vote but want to engage or want to be active beyond your vote?- check out these ideas to engage throughout the year

Ranked Choice Voting... What does that mean?

Below are two videos that show how ranked voting work.  Do you have a decision to make in your program (movie for movie day, favorite performers, next acitivity)?  Try your own ranked voting process to see how in works!

Ranked Choice Voting - How it is Counted (1:59 from our friends in the City of Mpls) 

Ranked Choice Voting Explained with Pokemon (end at 2:35. 2:36-4:55 specific to Maine)

Why RCV? How does it work? Who else is doing it? (Fairvotemn) *contact if you would like someone to come out and talk with your youth or adult group about Rank Choiced Voting.


Who is Running for Saint Paul Mayor? - Office of MN Secretary of State

"Prezi" Presentation to get to know Local Government