Sprockets Looks Back to the 2011 Launch

Sprockets Kickoff

While Sprockets is a year old, it continues to grow and strengthen to help support the achievement of youth. March 31st, 2011 Press Release from the City of Saint Paul http://www.stpaul.gov/index.aspx?nid=4534
Check out the video of the Press conference.
And with the utmost respect to Mayor Coleman, Superintendant Silva and Billy Collins... The stars of the show are some outstanding young men that provide youth voice to the importance of out of school time (around 17:33)


Saint Paul, MN – Today, Mayor Chris Coleman and Superintendent Valeria Silva stood with community organizations and students at the Dayton’s Bluff Recreation Center to launch Sprockets, an innovative out-of-school-time programming network.

“Sprockets is the culmination of an extensive community effort focusing on quality out-of-school-time programs. Research shows the achievement gap widening because of the differences in how kids spend their time outside of the classroom. Now is the time for every parent to get their kids engaged outside of school in one of the hundreds of programs offered across the city,” said Mayor Chris Coleman.

Sprockets is a new out-of-school-time network comprising more than 70 Saint Paul organizations and growing. Sprockets provide a convenient place for parents and children to find effective and quality programming in their neighborhoods. In the near future, Sprockets will offer more ways for youth to get to programs and to find out about offerings near them.  Youth-serving organizations, the City and School District are developing a shared data system to help partners understand the effectiveness of their program offerings.  Training and professional development for youth workers will help them build skills and self-assessments to create quality programs.

“Saint Paul schools are committed to closing the achievement gap – but we can’t do it alone. Sprockets ensures our children are engaged in meaningful and effective programs outside of the classroom. Our public schools are proud partners in this effort,” said Superintendent Valeria Silva.

Partners in Sprockets get exposure to the community through a common website and social communications methods.  Sprockets will enable partners to learn from each other and demonstrate the effectiveness of their programming in coming years.

“As a community partner, the Saint Paul YWCA is proud to work with Sprockets to help parents identify quality out-of-school-time programs. Parents can now use Sprockets to know what our organization offers along with more than70 other community organizations. It is a one-stop shop for parents and kids today,” said Billy Collins, Executive Director of the St. Paul YWCA.

With the launch of the website, parents are encouraged to do their part by visiting www.SprocketsSaintPaul.org and connecting their child with a quality out-of-school-time program.